#kiss#kiss On my third night in India i had a dream. I dreamt i was assisting Seane as she taught a large class. There were two men in...
#student#student This is Seby. He’s been my yoga teacher while in Kerala. I ask him every morning, “How are you?” And every time he responds...
#teacher#teacher Teachers come in many forms. Family. Lovers. Strangers. Friends. Through relationships. Through encounters. Through...
#quest#quest Beyond the ever-present undercurrent of wanderlust that lies in my soul, one of the reasons i took this journey to India was to...
#gravity#gravity In my classes over the last several months I’ve talked about this idea of collaborating with gravity. Instead of just feeling...
#sit#si #sit Around every corner in India is a truth waiting to be revealed. Messy truths. Sacred truths. Gut wrenching truths. Whole...
#allthesenses#allthesenses Whatever is asleep in you can’t help but be woken here. After 2.5 days of travel and one day of recovery, my time in...
#jordan#badasswomen #badasswomen One of the books that left an indelible mark on me was “The Red Tent.” I read it years ago but can still taste...
#dayunknownI have a story to tell you. It's about a 12 year old girl named Ragad. Her brown curly hair was pulled back in a ponytail and she had...
#daysixThere's something about nature that's so powerful.. when you open yourself up to it, you sync with its pulse and become one with it....