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What happens when the news comes to life right in front of you? When CNN isn't on your TV or a half a world away. When there's no turning back from bullet holes, barbed wire, high fences or war. I had a similar experience a few years ago when visiting Vietnam, but then it was the past that became real. Today, Syria became vividly real as we headed North. Real time, present moment REAL. We were met at Golan Heights (an area at the border of Syria and Israel with a UN base and also known for conflict) by a former Sr. Intelligence Officer (a woman 💥💪🏽) who briefed us on the balance of power in the region. Like everything else it's a land of Ands.. apple orchards and land mines. Blue skies and tank trenches. God and politics. War and Peace. I think we all left with more questions than answers but such is the life of a seeker.

We traveled north from Golan heights and as the temperatures dropped the vibrations rose until we landed at the mystical city of Tzfat. The town is the birthplace of Kabbalah, an ancient wisdom that's said to reveal how the universe works. It's no wonder the sages discovered the secret text on this sacred land. As I walked the stone-paved road my legs soon turned to fire, my head began tingling and I was alive with a frequency of vibrations I've never felt before. We landed just before the Sabbath began so our time was limited. We had a brief lecture from a local Rabbi who gave us a short history lesson on the Kabbalah and the magic that lies within it. I have to say it was a welcomed respite from the talk of war. As I boarded the bus to leave the town I knew it woukd be the first of many visits. The picture you see here is just before we got on the bus. Steaming light. Streaming consciousness. Streaming God.

We ended our day in Tiberias at the Sea of Galilee, where it's said Jesus held much of his ministry. I don't know about that but it is incredibly beautiful and its tranquil vibration resonated completely with my own. More tomorrow. #onward #tzfat #israel #travel #travelingyogi #seeker #magic#spirituality #kabbalah #warandpeace #mysticism

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