Singapore- Bird Feet Soup

It was damn hard to get out of my bed this morning to make the 8:30 meet up of the bike tour I had booked. But I rallied. Our guide for the four hour ride was Rene. He led a sweet father from Columbia, his two adult sons (who were SUCH gentleman) and me on a journey through the streets of Singapore. It's funny, out of all the stops on my trip, I was least excited about this one. But wow... What an amazing city. Such an interesting contrast of old and new. Modern and traditional. Intellectual and mystical. I could definitely set up shop here. We covered just about every subject possible as we rode, from dating to divorce to drugs and everything in between. (Btw, in Singapore if you get caught with more than 300 grams of weed, you will be hung. I know that will be a downer for some of you.) After our ride was over I set out on my own. I made a stop at one of the biggest shopping destinations in Singapore. Too many levels to count. Yes. I did some damage. Half way through I needed sustenance so I went to the food court where one could find just about any cuisine they desired. I got veggie curry and a beet juice and found the only spot I could in a sea of people. I sat next to a woman who looked to be on a break from cleaning the mall. I looked at her and smiled. My eyes glanced down at her bowl of broth and noodles and as she stirred it, some kind of bird's foot floated up to the surface. Yeah. I averted my eyes from the bird feet to the man in front of me who never looked up but was eating his rice with his hands. Remember that sarcastic voice of the Universe? She returned. "Well sister.. You wanted to be a global citizen. There you have it." I finished my lunch and my shopping and taxied my way home. My driver was an older Muslim woman and after a few pleasantries we got down to business. Her: "You are traveling alone yes? You are brave." Me: "You work in a job with mostly men yes? You are brave too." We got a little lost making our way back to my hotel, taking one wrong turn after another. Finally she pulled into the entrance, looked at me through the mirror and said, "We found it together, yes?" Yeah. We did. #Singapore #travel #birdfeetsoup