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The Web.

The Web. Tonight we went out for Christmas eve dinner and just before our entrees were served Griffin's stomach began to hurt. He had no appetite so we boxed up his dinner to take home. As we walked out of the restaurant a homeless gentleman wished us a Merry Christmas and began to share his story. Right away it was clear that he had both physical and mental challenges. All three of us listened intently as he spoke of his struggles. At the end of the conversation he began to look at the to go box Griffin was holding, which of course we offered him. We said our goodbyes and happy holidays and he walked towards the shelter he was in for the night as we walked back to our car. I mentioned to Grif that maybe there was a reason for his stomach ache tonight... That just maybe his belly began to ache so that someone else could have dinner. In that instant I saw his eyes widen. In that moment he began to understand just how intertwined our human stories are... and that we are collectively linked beyond what we could ever know. Far greater than anything that could be wrapped under the tree for me tonight is the gift of witnessing his awakening. Tonight as KJ and Grif walked towards the car, the man asked me to stay back a moment. He asked me if I'd pray for him and his family. I will Mr. Parker. I will pray for you, your family and all beings displaced, hungry, sick, judged, pushed aside, unnoticed, bullied or cast out. I pray your bodies know comfort. Your hearts knows love. Your minds know clarity. Your souls know peace. I pray that those of us who are privileged with safety and community keep our eyes open to the ways in which we are linked and our arms ready to reach out to serve in any way that we can. Lastly I pray that we remember daily that WE ARE ALL an integral part of this miraculous web called life and that we act accordingly. Peace on earth. Blessings to one and all. ✌🏻✌🏼✌🏽✌🏾✌🏿#merrychristmas #happyhanukkah#merryeverything #peaceonearth#goodwilltowardsall #holynight

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