Now more than ever.

Now more than ever. Today is such an unsettling day... On one hand, it feels uncomfortable to celebrate a day where Native Americans and colonists shared a harvest feast and yet at this moment, rubber bullets and spray hoses are being aimed at those standing in solidarity at Standing Rock. It feels uncomfortable to celebrate on a day when so many people feel unsafe, unseen and unheard. When fear is at every turn and the problems that face our nation are so overwhelmingly deep and vast, it’s hard to know where and how to begin to solve them. And yet, on the other hand, as I told my friend Jill this morning, it also feels really shitty not to feel grateful. To not acknowledge the ways in which I am privileged makes my gut ache. The life I live, the family and friends I am so lucky to share time and space with, the platform that I’ve worked hard to create and the opportunities I'm blessed with drop me to my knees at the magnitude of it all. And so, now more than ever, I am grateful for the tools I have been practicing for years… Tools that help me to stay steady in the discomfort. Because the alternative is denial. The alternative is disconnection. The alternative is not an option. Today I stay steady in my discomfort, breathe deeply and remain ever focused on moving the needle towards peace, love and justice for all. #thanksgiving #standingrock #nodapl #gratitude#yoga #breathe #comfortableintheuncomfortable#satyagraha #truthforce