New Year's Day Firebowl Practice

Time & Location
Jan 01, 2020, 10:00 AM – 11:15 AM
Midtown Yoga Raleigh, 200 Park at N Hills St Suite 111, Raleigh, NC 27609, USA
About the Event
The start of the new year is often marked with setting intentions and creating goals. But trying to make room for new opportunities without first clearing out the clutter can be a fruitless endeavor. The energetic baggage we accumulate over the course of a year (or a lifetime) not only becomes tension and stress in the body but also clouds the path of clear seeing, right knowing and courageous doing.
Join Carrington Jackson, for a unique and liberating experience…
Firebowl Practice: Out With The Old, In With The New. This 75-minute class is centered around the energy of purification and transformation of body, mind and soul. We will focus on building heat (Agni) to rid the body of excess toxins and tension on both the physical and energetic levels. We’ll unblock the pathways that lead to self-awareness and work to break through habitual patterns that historically disconnect us with purpose or passion. Ultimately, we’ll be clearing the slate and setting a course that is open and ready for the year ahead.
This class is open to all levels of practitioners.